Jackson - Wedding Invitation Sample

A sample of our Jackson Wedding Invitation Set.

This invitaton is available in a wide variety of styles, including pochettes, belly bands, pocketfolds and more. Just indicate your preference in the drop down menu above! In an effort to keep costs low, samples are created using the materials and supplies we currently have stocked in the studio. If you know you will want a specific color or finish (matte, linen or shimmer) please feel free to contact us and we will do our best to send appropriate paper swatches if we have them in stock. Samples can not be personalized with your invitation text or colors. When you place your wedding invitation order we will credit the sample fee to your final bill.

Remember, this is just a sample so that you can see the quality of materials and craftsmanship firsthand. Your invitatons will be personalized with your color, font and style preferences. Additional enclosure cards, envelope liners and guest addressing services are all available, as well as a full line of coordinating stationery for the ceremony and reception. Think you might be ready to place a full order? Please contact Tulaloo for a customized quote or any questions you may have.


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